December 31, 2012

New 2013 year

Happy New Year! - Yangi Yilingiz bilan!

learn uzbek language, new year uzbek.

Thank you for being with us throughout the year. 1st year of this blog hopefully had a good achievements, upcoming year will have more goods and learnings!

Yangi yilingiz muborak bo'lsin!

with best wishes,

December 20, 2012

Quiz: Suffixations in Uzbek

Assalomu alaykum,

In this lesson we briefly practice suffixes in Uzbek. Please take a moment to review previous lesson about suffixations here.

quiz in uzbek, learn uzbek language with quizzes.

After you review previous lesson, take your time to do short quiz and then to see you results simply click Submit button, after that try again until you get all questions correct. Answers button shows you correct answers. Good luck!

  1. He is at the library. - __________________.
  2. U kutubxonagaU kutubxonadaKutubxonadaKutubxonaga

  3. three books - _________________
  4. uch kitobkitoblaruch kitoblar

  5. We are from Uzbekistan. - Biz O'zbekistan______.
  6. -dan-danmiz-ga

  7. Children are still in the school. - Bolalar hamon maktab______.
  8. -dan-danmiz-da-ga

  9. my child - ____________
  10. mening bolamseni bolanguning bolasi

  11. This is my pencil - ________________.
  12. Bu qalamimU mening qalamimBu mening qalamim

  13. She lives in England. - U Angliyada ___________.
  14. yashadiyashaydiyashayapti

  15. to come - _______
  16. keldikelgankelmoq

  17. my son's cat - __________
  18. qizimning mushugio'g'limning mushuko'g'lim mushugio'g'limning mushugi

Please let me know if there is any errors or mistakes!


Quiz: Suffixations in Uzbek
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson Dec 20 2012
Rating: 4.9

December 16, 2012

Cartoons: Lazy - Learn Uzbek Language

Assalomu alaykum,

Thank you for your valuable suggestions, now I made first subtitle in English and Uzbek subtitles for short Uzbek cartoon. You can change subtitle by click and choosing other language. Dangasa - Lazy

I hope you will like it, I can try more videos in upcoming lessons!

Here is the short vocabulary list:

o'g'l+im my son
dada dad
bola child
qo'y sheep
buzoq calf
ehtiyot care
xo'p alright
uxla sleep
po'lat steel
o'roq sickle
pul money
ota+m my father
yaxshi good
tovuq chicken
donxona corn storage
sekin slow
jonivor creature
voy oh dear
Xudo God
yigit man
ona mother
ro'zg'or household
ertalab morning
ish work
kechqurun night
tanga coin
terla sweat
charchadim I am tired
chindan truly
mehnat work, labour
halol honest
demak therefore, that's why
rohat pleasure
choy tea


PS. Let me know if you have any problem with loading video or don't get subtitles.

Cartoons: Lazy - Learn Uzbek Language
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson Dec 16 2012
Rating: 4.3

December 13, 2012

Suffixations - Learn Uzbek Language

Assalomu alaykum,

In this lesson we learn Suffixations in Uzbek language. I try to include all possibilities. Take your time to review them, as I know it might be difficult to learn all of them in one lesson. I will try to make another lesson out of it with some quizes and more examples.

You can also check out earlier lesson about Personal pronouns here and its suffixes forms, because it is also related to the subject.

grammar in uzbek, uzbek grammar, suffixations in uzbek language

The lexical meanings and grammatical functions of Uzbek words are indicated primarily by adding elements called suffixes to the ends of the words.

for example,

ko'z+lar+im  'eye+s+my'='my eyes'

1. Word formation suffixes.

Nominals and verbals with new lexical meanings can be created in Uzbek language through suffixation.So by adding suffixes we create new lexical meaning:

bosh head (anatomy)
boshliq chief, foreman
boshlamoq to begin (infinitive)

Adding a suffix to a verbal root or word also produces a nominal or a verbal with a new lexical meaning:

boshlanmoqto be begun (infinitive)
boshlang'ichbeginning, elementary

2. Grammatical suffixes

Grammatical functions like number, case, mood or tense is accomplished by adding suffixes to words. These grammatical suffixes chage the relationship of one word to other words in a sentence, but they do not change the basic lexical meaning of the word:

uy homeuydaat home
uylamoqto marryuyga keldihe came home
uylanmoqto get marrieduylandihe got married

3. Plural suffix

The Uzbek language plural suffix -lar is added to nominals to indicate that there is more than one subject or object, but also to verbals to indicate that there is mor than one subject. But NOTE that after a numeral, the plural suffix is not added to nominals:

qizdaughterkeldihe came
qizlardaughterskeldilarthey came
uch qizthree daughters

4. Case suffixes

Case suffixes express relationships between nominals and verbals and are equivalent to English 'to', 'in', 'from' and other ideas:

o'g'ilsono'g'ilgato the son
xalqpeoplexalqdanfrom the people
kitobbookkitobdain the book

5. Possession suffixes

Uzbek has several means of expressing possession. One means require adding possessive suffixes to a nominal:

kitobimmy bookkitobimizour book
kitobingyour bookkitobingizyour book
(singular) - (plural)

A second means requires the possessive relationship construction.
In Uzbek, the possessor of an object is placed first, often with the suffix -ning, while the person or object possessed is placed second, always with the suffex -i or -si (plural -lari). The Uzbek equivalent of an English phrase like 'my daughter's book' is the following:

qizimning kitobidaughter+my+of book+her= my daughter's book

6. Infitive suffix

The Uzbek equivalent of the English infinitive of verbs ('to enter', 'to see', etc.) is created by adding suffix -moq to the verbal root. Without this or other suffixes, the verbal root express the familiar or at times impolite imperative mood:

kirmoqto enter (infinitive)
kir!enter (singular, familiar, impolite)

7. Mood suffixes

To express moods like the imperative or the conditional, Uzbek adds suffixes to verbal roots:

kiring!come in! (singular, familiar, polite)
kirsaif he enters

8. Tense suffixes

In Uzbek, tenses like past, present, and future are formed by adding suffixes to a verbal root, including the past tense suffix -di:

kelmoqto come (infinitive)
keldi he came

Uzbek combines the meanings of English present and future tenses into one idea that is expressed by the suffix -a or -y. This present-future tense indicates hat an action occurs as a habit in the present and may occur at some point in the future:

o'qimoq to read (infinitive)
o'qiydihe reads (as a habit), he will read (tomorrow)

Enjoy learning and practicing, if there are questions, please don't hesitate to post in the comments!

Coming up: Quiz and examples (Suffixations), and some entertainment videos about Uzbekistan.


Suffixations - Learn Uzbek Language
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson Dec 13 2013
Rating: 4.7

December 4, 2012

Historical Heritage of Uzbekistan

Assalomu alaykum,

Friend of mine made amazing video about Uzbekistan, and I thought, why not post here so that you guys can also see and learn/enjoy from some of the ancient places in Uzbekistan.

Enjoy the video and thanks for watching!

As I promised earlier, next lesson is coming very soon!

Ko'rishguncha! (See you!)

Historical Heritage of Uzbekistan
Last Reviewed by UzbekClasson Dec 04 2012
Rating: 4.5